
poliittinen tarkkailijaKansainvälinen maine meni Suomelta15.12.2019 3.37
Hallituskiimalla yhteenliimattu Ilmiöhallitus herättää hilpeyttä jo kansainvälisessä mediassa.

Amerikassa on näköjään pantu jo merkille se, että meillä on täydellinen nuorten feministien valta hallituksessa.

Siinä ne seisoo potretissa komesti Suomen tytöt vasemmalta oikealle lueteltuna:

Finland?s new leftist coalition government has appointed a women-majority cabinet with women taking twelve of the ministerial positions, with seven for men.

- Vasen 1 : Li Andersson, Vassarien tulipunainen puheenjohtaja

- Vasen 2: Maria Ohisalo, Punaviherpirertäjien köyhyystutkija, UM Haaviston ihailija

- Vasen 3: Demujen erittäin varma tulipunainen Sanna Marin

- Vasen 4: Kepuloisten erittäin epävarma Katri, mutta kepuloisten Mestarikitkijä

Ei tästä hyvä seuraa.

Meille tulee kohta porttikielto Amerikkaan!!!

Leaked Document Shows Finland Preparing to Fly Back Islamic State Extremists
401BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images
14 Dec 2019272

Leaked documents from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs show that the government has planned to fly Islamic State extremists and their children back to Finland.

The document is dated from last month and states that the ministry has set up a group to look into chartering flights for Islamic State members currently in Syria?s al-Hol prison camp, flying them to Iraq and then to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, Yle reports.
According to the document?s timetable, the chartered flights were supposed to take place this week and were aimed primarily at importing children of Islamic State members ? but the plan also states that ?all persons who agree to return? could be included in the operation.

The document states that the operation will be led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will end once the returnees are back in Finnish territory. Any police action taken towards the returning fighters listed in the document is to be planned separately.
The document is also signed by Seppo Kolehmainen, Chief of Police, despite his earlier denials that he had seen any plans to return Islamic State members to Finland.

Breitbart London@BreitbartLondon

Finland is Now Led by a Government of Under-35 Millennial Women, Has Majority-Female Cabinet ?

Finland is Now Led by a Government of Under-35 Millenial Women
Finland's new leftist coalition government has appointed a women-majority cabinet, with women outnumbering men nearly two-to-one.

10:56 AM - Dec 11, 2019
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Whether or not the plan will be or has been enacted under the new millennial generation, female-led government remains unclear, although the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto has remained in position following the changes.

The new government, headed by leftist Social Democrat Prime Minister Sanna Marin, is expected to take the country in a leftward direction.

Countries across Scandinavia have taken far different approaches to Islamic State members wanting to return to Europe. Denmark has recently begun stripping some Islamic State members of their Danish citizenship after passing a law allowing the government to do so earlier in the year.

Sweden, meanwhile, has had a much longer policy of allowing Islamic State members to return ? even allowing a fighter to return to the country for medical treatment and then leave again for the Middle East to resume fighting.

Sky News

"We're going to kill you by slaughtering you. We will slaughter you."@Stone_SkyNews reports from Syrian Al Hol camp which is home to 70,000 IS women and children. 10,000 of them are foreigners.

Read the full report here:

10:20 AM - Nov 11, 2019
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Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)

ImmigrationIsrael / Middle EastLondon / EuropeCubs of the CaliphateDaeshdiversityFinlandforeign fightersIraqISILISISIslamic StateIslamismMulticulturalismradical islamSanna MarinScandinaviaSyria

Angry Citizen ? 3 hours ago
That is what happens when socialists take over a country, look on this and thank GOD for Corbyn not winning the election.

Simon Angry Citizen ? 3 hours ago
And (although strongly linked) a feminist government,as is Finland's,littered with Jo Swinson clones.
Absolutely guaranteed to get you finished off as a people once and for all.
Women can't protect anything,that's a fact.

DwellerOnTheThreshold Simon ? 2 hours ago

LuciusAnnaeusSeneca Angry Citizen ? 2 hours ago
Absolutely. Both Finland's Interior and Foreign Affairs ministers are members of the Green Party. And the Greens advocate mass migration and all that comes with it. For them, ideology is more important than people. They long ago lost any responsibility to the Finnish people, only their radical-left ideology.

ADB1979 LuciusAnnaeusSeneca ? an hour ago
There is no such thing as a "Green" Politician... They are ALL Watermelons...

LuciusAnnaeusSeneca ADB1979 ? 25 minutes ago
Absolutely. They use environmental concerns (the green) as a cover for their deep red ideology. The Greens are probably more to the left than most other left-of-center parties. And they fool a lot of people into voting for them.

cathy ADB1979 ? 29 minutes ago
Good One! I'm laughing.

darla martin LuciusAnnaeusSeneca ? an hour ago
who voted them in office ?

PAUL K darla martin ? 21 minutes ago
Idiots! Morons! and Loons!

LuciusAnnaeusSeneca darla martin ? 23 minutes ago
The current government was put into office, without a vote, after the collapse of the previous government by the political class, who won't permit a snap election as it would probably show major gains for the Finns Party, a nationalist/populist party that is both Euroskeptic and against immigration of non-Europeans to Finland.

fedupwithmentalcases LuciusAnnaeusSeneca ? 39 minutes ago

Cahal the Mad? Angry Citizen ? 2 hours ago
Gee. Who didn't see this coming? SMH

VirtualParticle Angry Citizen ? an hour ago
You hear about the terrorist who was forced to board a plane at
Helsinki's airport? Rumor is that he vanished into "Finn Air"

chime22along Angry Citizen ? 29 minutes ago
Possibly some of these officials have received PAYOFFS to bring these Scumbags back. I am shocked that we allow the Muslim Tlaib to REMAIN in Congress when they photographed her laughing at the deaths of the Jewish people lost in New Jersey. How can someone WHO CLAIMS to represent Americans be so anti Semetic when the type of behavior that she exhiibits is Anti American, Prejudicial and TREASONOUS!!!!???

ArbyJay ? 2 hours ago
It's too late for Finland. It's too late for most of Europe -- Germany, Sweden, Spain, France. Didn't even ONE of you ever read the story that ends with "but you KNEW I was a snake when you took me in??????"

Jokerfied ? 3 hours ago ? edited
With its majority of females in their thirties, the government of Finland is the government of the future. Let's see how that works out for their country.

Kouraan ajattelijaRe: Kansainvälinen maine meni Suomelta15.12.2019 23.11
Kävi kuten mustalaiselle, kun menetti kansalaisluottamuksen. " Meni se mitä ei ollutkaan".

Kouraan ajattelijaRe: Kansainvälinen maine meni Suomelta15.12.2019 23.14
"Ollutkaan" pitäisi lukea tuon ruotsinkielisen sanan paikalla.

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